Tuesday, March 13, 2012

oh beautiful sunshine...

Wow what gorgeous weather we have had the past few days!! Loved the rain Saturday night and Sunday. It was so relaxing! Then the sunshine these past couple of days. Brian, Marlon, and I all went for a walk and it was just so nice to be outside. Spring and summer just make me smile. I just can't be in a bad mood when the sun is shining. Today at lunch, I napped in my car with the birds chirping, the breeze blowing through the windows and the sun shining on me and it was wonderful! Anyway, so thankful for this nice weather. The only downside to this season change is a major increase in my allergies. I felt awful on Sunday - congestion, sneezing, headache, and a slightly scratchy throat and itchy watery eyes. I was feeling all the allergy symptoms. But thankfully, they are getting better each day.

Well I am 32 weeks along today. Wow - time is just flying by. Only 8 more weeks at the most! According to my book, at 32 weeks she should weigh almost 5 pounds and be about 18 inches long. Crazy! I think she may be running out of room already at this point. People seem to think I won't make it until the due date - does that mean I am huge? Haha! At my last appointment (I was 31 weeks) my uterus measured 33cm, so a couple weeks ahead - which apparently doesn't really mean a whole lot at this point, but who knows maybe she will come earlier than planned.

Overall things are going pretty well. Here lately I have been experiencing lots of new pains and symptoms. I now have stretch marks appearing - my Mom confirmed this for me this past weekend. And I have been feeling some tightness every once in a while along with some weird feeling pressure (which makes me have to go potty right then!).  I am assuming my body is beginning to prepare for labor and she is working on being ready to come into the world. But I have enjoyed being pregnant - it is fun getting to experience all these new things and to know that there is a human being inside of me moving around and getting the hiccups - how amazing is that?! Which feeling her have the hiccups is pretty cool! Such a little miracle and blessing from the Lord.

Pain meds or no pain meds? That is the question. I have been thinking about this question for a while now and quite extensively. We learned a lot about pain medication options in our birthing class and I have talked with people about it and researched it some on my own. After much thought I have decided to try for no pain meds. Yes you heard me right, no epidural! A lot of people would think I am crazy and maybe I am. But you know the epidural scares me a lot more than the thought of labor pains do. But there are several reasons for my decision including (1) there are narcotics in pain meds and I have had a bad allergic reaction to a narcotic before, so this makes me slightly nervous (2) I want to be able to move around some and go to the bathroom on my own - I don't want a catheter and be confined to the bed (3) the idea of a huge needle going into my back near my spine just creeps me out - yes I know lots of women have been getting them for years, but still! (4) I want to be completely alert and awake for her arrival and I have heard that you feel a little out of it with an epidural. There are others, but these are at least a few of my reasons. I do hope and pray that I am able to follow through with this desire. I feel very strongly about having this little girl with no medication. I will be honest, as of late I have been thinking more and more about this whole labor and delivery time as it quickly appraoches and I am scared. I am scared of the unknown. What will contractions feel like? Will I be able to push through the pain?  Lots of things that are unknown. It is scary. When I get nervous about this, I just have to remind myself that the Lord will be with me and I will get through it. Even if it is painful, it will all be worth it when I get to hold my sweet baby girl. So I just continue to pray for the labor and delivery time and just trust in the Lord for his strength.

I got maternity pictures taken!! I just received them last night, so I plan to put them on a disk and get some printed off for my albums! And I will post some on here soon as well. I am pretty happy with the way they turned out. Compliments to Dustin Schmidt for his wonderful photography and editing skills!! I can't wait to share them - hopefully soon!

I also had my first baby shower this past weekend! It was in Broken Arrow with my family and some friends. I am so blessed!! Thank you to those of you that helped plan the whole event and put it together - you know who you are! The cake was so cute and very yummy! The decorations were beautiful and I got to take them home for baby girl's room (I will post pictures soon!). The food and snacks were delicious as well! It was wonderful. I was pretty excited that a few of my college friends and high school friends that I hadn't seen in a while came to celebrate with me. One of my friends drove several hours for it! Them coming meant so much to me. Sad thing about it all is that a couple of my family members were unable to attend because they were sick - one with the flu. MIssed seeing you guys but hope you are feeling better!! But baby girl got many adorable clothes, shoes, socks, etc. And we got a high chair, hamper for her room, and all sorts of great things! Thank you to everyone for the many blessings!! I had such a great time. I will admit that I was pretty exhausted though by the time I got home - but well worth it!

Well I guess that is all for now. I will leave you with a questionnaire.

How far along? 32 weeks today
Total weight gain/loss: Um..
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Yes they have arrived
Sleep: Exhausted all the time. Sleep is getting a little harder. I am just so hot during the night and I have trouble getting comfortable - but all is okay! This is just preparing me for lack of sleep to come, right?
Best moment this week: My first baby shower! It is fun opening gifts for someone else! :)
Movement: Lots! It's crazy when you can see my belly jumping and moving all over. She gets a little crazy in there sometimes. 
Food cravings: just chocolate...darn sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anything in-particular - just get indigestion still
Gender: girl
Labor Signs: Not actual labor, but possibly some braxton hicks...maybe?!
Belly Button in or out? It is starting to poke out there, not enough to poke through m clothes yet though. 
Wedding rings on or off? ON, but it does get tight in the evenings. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: A little of both actually. I get emotional mood swings and I have been getting irritated a little easier, but still happy!

What I am looking forward to: Getting things situated in her room - it is still such a mess!
Milestone: Got her bedding in the mail and it is all set up in the crib - loving it!