Sunday, January 27, 2013


It is 1am right now and I am up listening to Kyrie scream and cry. This is probably one of the hardest things about being a Mom so far. Let me explain...

Kyrie has not been sleeping well. She used to be a great sleeper - sleeping at least 10 hours a night without waking up. Ever since the teething started a couple months ago she has not been sleeping much. Naps are a rarity and sleeping through the night is not happening. She wakes up several times throughout the night just crying. The only way to get her to go back to sleep was if I held her. The second I put her back down in her bed she would start crying again. So apparently all parents let their child just 'cry it out' one night so they learn they have to go to sleep and we won't always come to the rescue. So tonight is apparently that night. I have not been sleeping much for a while now and it is wearing on me. But let me tell you - listening to your sweet daughter cry for a long period of time is so hard. I want to go and hold her to let her know that I care about her and love her. I feel like she thinks I don't because I am not coming in there to make her feel better. Which I know is not the case, but that doesn't make it any easier. Tough times. But I know that it is good for her and will be good for me too when she can put herself back to sleep and I don't always have to get up and come in there. So I pray it works. I pray that she will be comforted and get some good sleep. Lord knows we both need it!

Sounds like she is starting to calm down. I will make sure she is asleep before I go check on her and put her blanket over her. Make sure she is alright.

Well, that's all for now. I will post another one soon and talk about Kyrie's first Christmas and all. I just have not had time to put the pictures onto the computer - matter of fact I haven't even looked at the pictures form Christmas! So hopefully that will happen soon.
